New Mobile Ad Sizes Come to Qadabra

Posted By: Unknown - 10:21

FEATURE: New Mobile Ad Sizes Come to Qadabra

We all know that mobile surfing is soaring and how important it is for websites to be mobile friendly. When the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) reported that Internet ad revenue had surpassed broadcasting revenue, Mediapost explained that it was because Internet ad revenue was heavy with search engine marketing and mobile media.  In fact, mobile rose 110% to $7.1 billion in 2013, accounting for 17% of the overall Internet ad revenue.

Courtesy of The Bootstrapper’s Guide
At Qadabra, we know the power of mobile.  We put a great deal of focus on mobile, and we want you to get to know this new feature.

How does it work?

When a user browses your website from a mobile device (Smartphone or Tablet), Qadabra automatically detects this and verifies that the served creative will be mobile friendly (no Flash, reduced banner size etc.).
Qadabra is all about maximizing your results even further, which is why we’re adamant about offering 100% monetization in all areas, including 100% monetization of your  mobile traffic.
You don’t need to change anything in your current tags. It all happens automatically — making the whole process magically simple!

What are the most popular mobile sizes?

According to a Globla Digital Audience Report, the most popular mobile ad sizes are: 728×90, 300×250 and 320×50. While we  have made sure to tell our users that 728×90 and 300×250 are the best performing banner sizes, we are adding 320×50 to the list for mobile purposes.  With this product release, we’re adding the 320×50 size to our supported ad sizes. As usual, we’re also keeping the same 100% fill rate that we are known for. You will never see an empty or unfinished ad after you ask for an ad code.
An important note on the 320×50 size: Make sure to use this size only on a mobile website or when you have a visit from a mobile browser. This size is not recommended for desktop websites as it’s too small.
Feel free to contact us at with any question on this new feature.


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